Sheryl Shaughnessey is a practicing attorney in Fairfield, Connecticut with a 30 plus-year career in assisting clients.
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Sheryl has spent more than thirty years in the legal field. She has a long history of litigating in the Bridgeport, Milford, New Haven and Stamford Courts. Sheryl realized that there is a healthier way to resolve disputes when clients have a voice in the process. She added Mediation and Collaborative Law to the services she offers.
Sheryl Shaughnessey’s passion for the legal profession led her to serve as the President and then as a board member of the Greater Bridgeport Bar Association with which she is still actively involved.
Sheryl believes strongly in the notion of giving back to others. During her career in Fairfield, Connecticut, she has been both a member and the President of the Rotary Club of Fairfield and active in both district and world projects.
The information on this website is not and should not be considered legally sanctioned advice in any capacity. Please contact Attorney Shaughnessey to receive legal advice.
Attorney Shaughnessey proudly supports and is active with the Fairfield Rotary Club and Rotary International.

Contact Us
Sheryl A. Shaughnessey
Attorney and Counselor at Law
87 Ruane Street
Fairfield, CT 06824
By Appointment Only
Phone: 203-254-7544
Fax: 203-259-8755
Email: [email protected]