For the majority of her professional career, Sheryl practiced Family Law and litigated cases in Courts in Bridgeport, New Haven, Milford, and Stamford.
Changes in the way Family Law and Divorce were traditionally practiced paved the way for Sheryl to add the disciplines of Mediation and Collaborative Law to her practice. Through the years, Sheryl has come to realize there is no “one size fits all” for her clients. She recognizes the need to focus on the individual needs of each client, their children, and their needs and desires. She helps her clients resolve their differences affordably with compassion, empathy and the desire to achieve their goals.
As a response to her clients’ needs, Sheryl practices residential real estate, probate administration and practical documents needed for everyday life – Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives and Living Wills.
Sheryl Shaughnessey’s passion for the legal profession led her to serve as a board Member and then President of the Greater Bridgeport Bar Association with which she is still actively involved.
Sheryl was honored with the Career Service Award by the Greater Bridgeport Bar Association in 2019. She was appointed a Fellow of the Connecticut Bar Foundation and received the Paul Harris Community Service Award and Norman K. Parsells Award from the Fairfield Rotary Club in recognition of her years of service to Rotary. She is a charter member of the board of directors of the Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers – Connecticut, (LCL-CT), a non –profit organization devoted to assisting attorneys in distress throughout the State of Connecticut. She formerly served as a member of the Stamford / Norwalk Grievance Committee and was awarded the Good Scout Award by the Connecticut Yankee Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Sheryl was recognized by Connecticut Legal Services for pro bono contributions.
Sheryl believes strongly in the notion of giving back to others. During her career in Fairfield, Connecticut, she has been both a member and the President of the Rotary Club of Fairfield and active in both district and world projects. She recently completed a trip to India to participate in the Rotary International Polio National Immunization Day (NID). She is a lector at her church, maintains her more than 30 year membership in the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce and volunteers yearly for Operation Hope of Fairfield. She was formerly the Town Treasurer for the Town of Fairfield.
The information on this website is not and should not be considered legally sanctioned advice in any capacity. Please contact Attorney Shaughnessey to receive legal advice.
Attorney Shaughnessey proudly supports and is active with the Fairfield Rotary Club and Rotary International.

Contact Us
Sheryl A. Shaughnessey
Attorney and Counselor at Law
87 Ruane Street
Fairfield, CT 06824
By Appointment Only
Phone: 203-254-7544
Fax: 203-259-8755
Email: [email protected]